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Accessible and effective resources for English & Spanish learners of all ages available online and designed to enhance and expand education beyond the classroom.

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classroom Classroom tools

button favicon  Google Classroom
  A free and easy tool helping the teacher on milka•℡ efficiently manage and assess progress, while enhancing connections with learners from home, or on the go.
button favicon  Google Meet
  A video-communication service developed by Google. Learners, individually or in groups, can participate in an online video conference from their computer through any current web browser: no software to install. For mobile devices, the Google Meet application must be used.
button favicon  Google Jamboard
  Jamboard is an interactive whiteboard developed by Google. The main controller of the Jamboard can open a "jam", a session where users can join and work on projects inside the space available.

materials Didactic materials

button favicon  Idiomas con Milka
  A Facebook page originally intended for an audience in Spain, but open to everyone else, publishing all kinds of teaching materials in English, Spanish and German from many sources in various formats, such as videos, infographics, blog articles, etc.
button favicon  Pomysły Edukacyjne
  A Facebook page originally intended for an audience in Poland, but open to everyone else, publishing all kinds of didactic resources from many sources in various formats, such as videos, infographics, blog articles etc.
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  A collection by "Idiomas con Milka"consisting of exercises in English, Spanish, Italian and German languages as well as quizzes for learners to practice during their out-of-class time.
button favicon  Kahoot! | Cambridge English
  Kahoots are fun, interactive games to help learners practise their English and build their language skills. Kahoots by Cambridge English include music and images to engage young learners and make learning exciting and enjoyable.
button favicon  Learning English | Cambridge English
  Lots of free online activities to help kids, teenagers and adults practise their English.
button favicon  English didactic materials for kids | Pinterest
  Hundreds of infographics related to English learning by kids.
button favicon  ESL-Lounge - Student Site
  English grammar, vocabulary, reading and listening site. All levels from A1 to C2 and for all types of learners from kids to adults and professionals.
button favicon  TeachingEnglish - Teaching primary | British Council & BBC
  A wide range of practical resources to use in a primary classroom: Lesson plans, activities, stories and poems, songs, teaching tools.
button favicon  TeachingEnglish - English for business | British Council & BBC
  A wide range of complete lesson plans to use in a business English classroom. All lessons are designed around functional skills for business students. The lesson plans are structured in three areas: Meetings, Negotiations and Socialization.
button favicon  Materiales didácticos de español para niños | Pinterest
  Hundreds of infographics related to the learning of Spanish by children.
button favicon  CVC - Materiales
  A small collection, edited by the Centro Virtual Cervantes (CVC), of interactive material for the presentation and practice of certain aspects of the Spanish language.
button favicon  CVC - Pasatiempos de Rayuela
  A collection of interactive didactic activities edited by the Centro Virtual Cervantes (CVC) and designed for students and teachers of Spanish. The activities are ordered by type of interaction or by didactic content according to the levels of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) of the Council of Europe.
button favicon  CVC - Lecturas paso a paso
  A selection of fun and attractive texts to learn and practice Spanish, edited by the Centro Virtual Cervantes (CVC) and organized into different readings of three levels (initial, intermediate and advanced) according to the complexity of the texts; in each of the readings there are activities to facilitate understanding of the texts.
button favicon - Materiales didácticos
  A collection of didactic materials, compiled by the Todoele community of teachers and classified in various sections, for the teaching of Spanish as a foreign language.

grammar Grammar

button favicon
  Comprehensive website about English grammar: rules, lessons, exercises, tools, videos and writing guides.
button favicon  Wikipedia: English grammar
  A compendium of articles on English grammar indexed by Wikipedia.
button favicon  English Grammar Today on Cambridge Dictionary
  Grammar explanations with hundreds of examples of how grammar is used in natural written and spoken English.
button favicon  English Grammar reference | British Council
  A grammar reference section, covering explanations, example sentences and interactive exercises.
button favicon  RAE - Nueva gramática de la lengua española
  Online edition of the reference work of the Real Academia Española for the knowledge and teaching of the Spanish language. The 'Nueva gramática de la lengua española' (New grammar of the Spanish language) describes the grammatical constructions of general Spanish and adequately reflects the phonic, morphological and syntactic variants; likewise, it offers recommendations of a normative nature.
button favicon  Wikipedia: Gramática del español
  A compendium of Spanish grammar indexed by Wikipedia.
button favicon  Lingolia: Gramática española
  A grammar section, which covers simple, complete and accessible explanations, including exercises to practice and effectively consolidate the knowledge learned.

dictionaries Dictionaries

button favicon  Collins English Dictionary
  This dictionary is a pioneer in Language Reference for 200 years. Popular and trusted online dictionary with over 1 million words. Definitions, meanings, synonyms, pronunciations, translations, origin and examples.
button favicon  Merriam-Webster Dictionary
  The dictionary by Merriam-Webster is America's most trusted online dictionary for English word definitions, meanings, and pronunciation.
button favicon  RAE - Diccionario de la lengua española
  The 'Diccionario de la lengua española' (Dictionary of the Spanish language) is the academic lexicographical work par excellence published by the Real Academia Española.
button favicon  The Free Dictionary by Farlex
  The World's most comprehensive free online dictionary, thesaurus, and encyclopedia with synonyms, definitions, idioms, abbreviations, and medical, financial, legal specialized dictionaries.
button favicon  Acronym Finder
  Acronym Finder is the world's largest and most comprehensive dictionary of acronyms, abbreviations, and initialisms.
button favicon
  Larousse and Vox online dictionaries: Spanish & English (among other languages), synonyms, verb conjugator, ideological, medical, encyclopedia, visual.
button favicon
  Oxford English and Spanish Dictionary, Thesaurus, and Spanish to English Translator.
button favicon
  Online language dictionaries. Conjugations, grammar, audio pronunciations and forums for users' questions.

translators Translators

button favicon  Google Translate
  Google Translate is a free multilingual neural machine translation service developed by Google, to translate text and websites from one language into another.
button favicon  Bing Microsoft Translator
  Microsoft Translator is a multilingual machine translation cloud service provided by Microsoft. Microsoft Translator is integrated across multiple consumer, developer, and enterprise products.

tests English & Spanish Tests

button favicon  Cambridge English
  Cambridge Assessment English provides exams and qualifications for learners and teachers of English. Free online test of English level. Exam samples and preparation materials.
button favicon  Oxford Test of English
  Oxford Test of English, certified by the University of Oxford, 100% online and aligned with the CEFR.
button favicon  Michigan Language Assessment
  The Examination for the Certificate of Proficiency in English (ECPE) is a standardized, 4-skill American English test at the highest level of proficiency.
button favicon  Exámenes - Instituto Cervantes
  DELE (Diplomas in Spanish as a Foreign Language) are official Spanish degrees awarded by the Instituto Cervantes on behalf of the Ministry of Education of Spain. They are internationally recognized and valid indefinitely.
button favicon  SIELE
  SIELE is the International Service for the Evaluation of the Spanish Language that certifies the degree of command of Spanish through electronic means aimed at students and professionals from the five continents.